Monday, March 17, 2008

Thought Process

Below is one of my binder pages demonstrating my style of brainstorming for a story.
(well technically a role-play, if you know what those are)
I basically sat down with a friend and absorbed all his ideas as I thought out mine.
(It was going to be a jointly written role-play)


If your wondering what this exactly applies to-


I bet like, everyone picks the black layout, right!?
Oh well, I cant help it.

Anyway, this post is all about Ayume.
She is my best friend, and your going to hear allot about her:

She's a bit crazy.
She's Ginger.
(IE, red hair, temper, freckles, blue-green eyes)
She loves the twilight series. So much that she carries the books around in plastic book jackets and freaks out if anyone touches them and if she had to put them in a box with the rest of her books, she'd just label that box "Edward" (The apparently hot main character of the twilight series.)
She's obsessive compulsive.
She's obnoxious.
Have I mentioned she's crazy?
She's high strung.
She's practically my sister.
She's a little bit brilliant.
She's fantastic.

Because she's my partner in crime*

*And by crime, I mean general mischief and teenage things that teens do just because they can.
And on a different note- I suppose I'll try to do a post a day, for now- maybe a post a week or when something post-worthy comes along.

-Gasp- [Read This First?]

Gasp indeed, cyber-audience-whom-I'm-still-not-sure-is-actually-out-there
The point:
We have a point? This is news to me.

But I suppose I'd better start with what you need to know about this me person.
Which is not a whole lot, actually.

I am Tinka, fondly nicknamed Neo-Flamo-Tinka-Doll.
But because that was a bit silly, I became Tinka-Doll, or even just Doll if you like.
Which you wont, trust me.

While reading something on a blog, I just randomly decided to create one of my own.
Because I love writing- especially of the fiction or role-play variety, so you might find some of it here.
Or not. Because I'm shy, and overly cautious, thats why.
What your more likely to find here is the exact kind of randomness that led to the creation of this blog- and a bit of my 16-year-old dry humor.
And a lot of bold and italic text. Don't ask me why.
I'm still rather crushed that I cant underline things.
You will also probably not find correct spelling or even correct grammar- but I can promise you that I will always always always type in full sentences.
And for the record, I live in Canada.
I'm not going to get any more specific than that.
If you live in Canada, I could secretly be your annoying neighbor.
Or that thing that lives in your basement.
(Assuming, that your neighbor and the thing in your basement are 16-year-old humans of the female variety that I have already been established to be.)
But the point is. You'll never know. Lets keep it that way.